Dec 26, 2008


Jan Jt and I walked around confusedly for a very long time before we came to 8A Ann Siang Road. It's near Maxwell Food Centre, which is near OB, so next time we can go there after OB to hang out HAHAHA! WHOO!
Then Maddie couldn't find her way so Jt and I went to fetch her from Maxwell -.-

First 50 to reach would get a free poster! Jan, Jt, Mad and I were 7-10. WHOOOO!
Sang Christian songs haha, and tried to learn the one Jt composed (that some other guy in the cell group wrote the lyrics for. VERY NICE K!) Got quite bored waiting. THE ALLEYS LOOK DAMN COOL!!!! The walls are all very plain and some of the walls have cute colours like peach, light green etc. Must go there to camwhore sometime!

THEN WE BOUGHT THE TEES OH YAY! We all got the ones with the ring outside. (Will take pics another time!) Jan and Jt got men's cut, Mad and I got female. Mad and Jan and I bought white, Jt bought black. I wish I could keep the VERY NICE coupon but if I kept it I'd have to pay $70 instead of $50 -.- EH! AHH I DIDN'T TAKE A PIC OF THE COUPON!!! *wails*

Then we wrote messages on this board. We wrote our messages together and put a crazy border aroud it and wrote J4M all over the place in hope that he'd still remember us HAHA. Then we sat down for the VIDEO CONFERENCE!!

JJ was SUPPOSED to be overseas, and he said that if we came for the conference he'd give us a great surprise we wouldn't want to miss. When he came on we all screamed hahaha. HE DAMN CUTE K! He sang Jingle Bells softly for us. And he kept chuckling to himself in this DAMN CUTE WAY I've never heard him laugh before. And his laughter was damn funny (I wish I'd recorded it), so everytime he laughed we'd laugh after that, and then he'd laugh again, then we'd laugh again. XD And he kept having difficulty hearing us. Someone asked JJ if the inspiration for the very weird Smudge logo was from the shape of his nose, then he kept asking "What? Huh? ...*cups hand over ear and leans towards screen* HUH?" And then he finally heard it and pointed at his nose and gave this amused expression and went "My NOSE?!" And then he kept pointing at and squeezing his nose. HAHAHA HE'S THE CUTEST LAH

So after a while he said "So, are you ready for the surprise?" Then he held the webcam and started walking and walking and walking and at first I thought he was at his house and he was taking us to his bedroom or something, but then HE APPEARED AT THE DOOR!!!

Wah lao he always like that surprise us one lor. During the 2-1-07 JJFC gathering he used Joanne's phone and called Carol's (right?) phone and she put it on loudspeaker and he was like, "I'm cominggggg" then he appeared. XD

Anw, HE DAMN SWEET K! He was supposed to be in Malaysia, and he was flying off to U.S. tomorrow, so he decided to fly down to visit us first, AWWWWW!
So we were all screaming mad. AND Jt Jan Mad and I were at the first row NGYAHAHA! So he talked a bit. He made us sing You Ni Xuan Ze for him. XD

And then someone passed him this bun thing then he bit into it then he was like "Eh?" HAHA it was the Action City kind of toy bun. HE AH!!! XD So he said he'd throw it and he'd autograph a poster and give it to whoever caught it. Threw a number of times.
He was trying to be funny and he faced the wall and while facing the wall, he threw the bun from under his legs HAHAHA he looked like a dog trying to pee HAHAHA managed to catch a blur picture of it XD

So as she stood up she said "Jt" then JJ said "Jt" then someone asked JJ if he knew her, then he said (in Chinese),
"Yeah I know her, she can sing well, she's got a lot of talent!"

So Jt made him write "To: J4m" haha, he made her bend over a little, then he lay the poster on her back so that he could autograph the poster. HAHA!

Went totally high. He had to leave too soon ):

Then some cameraman guy was recording videos of people saying stuff to JJ, so J4M recorded one :D We sang Sarang Heyo in our J4M way haha. After we finished singing that JJFC Radio guy was staring at us in that O.O expression HAHA! Hope JJ sees the vid (: (And I hope I didn't go off-key as the harmony. AGAIN)

Then that JJFC Radio guy wanted to record us singing so we sang Qi Dai Ai, IT WAS SO MEGA SCREWED OMG! Saddddded, I hope he suddenly loses the recording or something then we record again HAHA.
(If he posts it up, JJFC, please DON'T listen to us singing on the radio HAHA)

Then we went to URA Building to camwhore, then went to OB to kachiau Wewe. (:


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