Jul 25, 2010

Love is... Jason Castro's voice

Favourite Song At The Moment #2

You'll call me on Thursday
And we'll hang out all day
Then fall asleep on the phone

And oh, I'll hold your hand when we drive
And we'll lose track of all the time
And we'll tell everyone that
We ain't never felt so alive

And I wanna fall in love with you again

Love seems to be so much in the air now, with everyone I talk to - and everyone I don't talk to. Look at all the Facebook statuses and the MSN conversations we have with our friends. There's Noobz who's fighting on, Emokid who's given up, Bin who vows to remain single for life but flirts around like nobody's business, a Gross Kid I Don't Have A Nickname For who's just in it for the sex, V who'd like to know what it's like, Beng who apparently doesn't want to get into anything but I'm suspecting the line's blurring just a little, two Facebook relationship status changes from 'Single' to 'It's Complicated' in the past hour, Ian Ang and his umbrella of apathy... the list goes on.

It's a pandemic.

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