Mar 3, 2010

Shucks, I hate 3-hours'-sleep nights

but I really need to blog.

"...I don't know, actually, but two people I don't know said hi to me yesterday. *in a hushed voice* People are talking about me... because I pretty like pretty self"
- Elgyn

Lit was awesome. We were supposed to read Wide Sargasso Sea and draw a graph of something against time, we had to decide what. Amelia, Elgyn and I did a Loneliness graph. Our graph was crazily extreme... but so are Antoinette's emotions in the story anyway, so we were just being realistic!
Our graph looked horrible.

Elgyn: If this graph were an outfit I would laugh at it. Because the colours are terribly mismatched. Red, blue, gold, purple, green, orange...

The group that was solely made out of guys (Dave, Jingquan, Jeremy), on the other hand, had an awesome graph. I'd call it sciencey.
Studious-looking! So neat and organised. HAHAHA. My group had the most fun though. Thanks to Elgyn's wittiness the three of us were laughing really hard. WHOO!

Miss Tan (in a really agitated voice): Hello? Do you want to know how small my Math brain is?! *goes to whiteboard* Okay, this is my Math brain. And THIS... is everything else, Lit, History Econs... And how much time did I spend studying Math for the A Levels? *draws a pie chart* Almost half of all my time was spent on Math! And what did I get? *points to part of pie chart representing all her other subjects* As! *points to Math section* B!!!!

Oh AND. I never got around to posting these photos, so here goes:

I need to cut my fringe. It's been looking pretty horrible recently.

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