Feb 19, 2010

As I feel the passion in me stir up again

I'm the Class Rep (Class Rep doesn't sound nice, doesn't Class Chairperson sound cooler?) so I'm officially the
Saikang Warrior AH!
(Geddit geddit? I'm in 1AH. Hahahaha)

Had a four-hour-long break today. Attempted to do my Econs notes but fell asleep at the void deck after writing the headers. Went to the library with Geraldine and Amelia and the three of us made so much noise there because we were visiting Crescent's website and laughing at our wonderful teachers' pictures (not that they were ugly; they just brought back memories.) And we, together with Eudea, Glenda and Teryne, enlarged a few teachers' pictures and camwhored with them. Geraldine SMSed Miss Li and said "I really like the picture I just took with you!"

Can't post any pictures up now though; my camera's with Glenda!

ACJC Dance

I felt like dying at the end of warm-ups (and apparently it's "nothing at all, seriously") and I hate how inflexible I've become.
The instructor taught us two dances, very very pretty dances that require a lot of technique so it was easy to distinguish those with ballet experience and those without. I must admit, twice I felt a strong urge to run away. I danced like a duck.

When my row was to do the first dance in front of everyone else, I somehow got pushed to the front. You know, I could actually do the dance and remember all the steps when we were all doing it together, but this time I didn't get a single step right. My mind was too focused on panicking; I couldn't remember anything and my footing was completely wrong. At one point I gave up, stood there and laughed desperately. I'm not exaggerating.

I danced horribly... but I must say, I totally enjoyed it.

Oh yes, today I threw away my image and decided not to care about how much I was humiliating myself. The dances were really pretty and I just couldn't do them right. But it just made today's practice all the more awesome.

I'm entering a whole new level. I see a some similarities between AC and Crescent Dance, yet everything is so different. I know I will feel like dying in AC Dance. I know there'll be moments where I'll cry out in frustration because I'm not able to get the moves right, where I'll feel like giving up and breaking free, where I'll feel resentful about everything. But I also know, undoubtedly, that AC Dance is where my fondest JC memories will be made, just like how Crescent Dance is the main reason I love the school.

I can't really dance, but there's this electrifying adrenalin rush I get every time the music starts and the pulsating beats ignite flames of passion in my heart. I may not be cut out for dancing but that rush of love tells me to stay.

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