Oct 21, 2009

I promised not to blog anymore, but...

Unproductive study session. Stupid Yingyan kept messing around with my iPod and talking VERY LOUDLY in the completely quiet library because she couldn't hear herself.
annnnnn wgqyD7qo says (6:38 PM):
my class only has 1 poly student

JC OR POLY?!??!!!!!?!!! I definitely want to go on to do a degree. But there's only ONE poly student in her course!!!
Mandy Sellars replied, heeheehee!
Happened to meet a 6B'05 classmate today, the one we've all seemed to have lost contact with (until he joined the 6B Facebook group - and Haris too), the joker who was the pro at Blind Mice, making random sharp quick turns even with his eyes closed to catch a "mouse" off-guard - Huai Shen. I wasn't sure if it was him or not but his familiar smile confirmed it. I'm not sure if he recognised me, though - his smile and wave were a little awkward. That's the bad thing about having changed a lot in terms of appearance since primary school. (Mr Kong says I still look the same though - and he never even taught me.)
From the P6 me (LEFT) to
See, my teeth were really bad even in P6 - and I had been wearing retainers since P4, so they were even worse before that.

I wonder what some of our 6B'05 classmates will say upon seeing Jieying.
From the P6 her (RIGHT) to (RIGHT)

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