Sep 17, 2009


It's okay. Some things need to be experienced to be learnt anyway. For now, I shall just continue to laugh at you because you're practically commanding me to.

Make my day, funny pal (:

By the way, you, yes I'm talking about you, I told you plainly that I DO NOT find joy in tormenting you. So why did you tell Mad that I FOUND JOY in tormenting you? Selective reading? Or just plain exaggeration, as usual?

I don't mind a stranger hating me if you told her the facts, by the way, but to exaggerate the truth is just plain wrong. As you always do.

"The rain just stopped! It was raining, and then we stepped out, and the rain just stopped completely!" No it didn't. It was DRIZZLING before we stepped out, and it was drizzling after we stepped out, just that the drizzle stopped a while after.
And your story about that flower dropping right in front of you prayed, and your story about the heavy rain stopping immediately after you prayed in the taxi. Of course you don't remember the lies you told. Yeah, I remember them, because you told me plain in my face,
"Most of the things I say are not true. I was just saying that to help your faith."
False testimonies strengthen my faith, I'm so sure.

Irrefutable truth, dear friend.

- On to happier thoughts.

I really think it'd be nice if my class were to sing Mayday's Xiao Wang Ge when we graduate. It's a song about parting with a friend but knowing you'll meet again, remembering only the beautiful memories, and forgetting all the bad that happened. The lyrics are beautiful, as are all the others written by Ashin. Unfortunately we'll all probably just be singing the school song, teary-eyed and sniffing, yes? Oh the lack of drama could disappoint me to tears, but it's okay. I'll just sing the song to myself hahaha.

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