Jul 8, 2009

But you're still a really really good friend.

OJY:"Sex is goood! Right Karen?" *slaps arm onto my back*
"Ahh! I'm an upright Christian!"

I think that was a wrong thing to say, for reasons I'm not willing to say here. Sorry babe. I change my answer to what you expected it to be. HAHA. But my point still stands, I'm trying to get away from stuff like that.

"But I think it's good for working people, because you know they don't really get exercise, then you know when you do it, like, vigorously, then you get your exercise!"

You're corrupted enough; getting yourself corrupted is one thing, I just wish you wouldn't spread your corruptness to others, others who are still pure and have a bright future in purity.

I'm sorry. I just can't say I don't feel anything about this.

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