Mar 27, 2014

some dignity now

(I was about to write this post when I came across a link to an article that made me tear up, because it is a perfect encapsulation of the things I need for myself. I will be printing it out and putting it up somewhere. It's somewhat related, and an excellent article, so I'll put it up here: The Day My Best Friends Got Attached)

I see tremendous beauty in a lot of people.

You are a brilliant person, no doubt; you are excellent in a lot of ways, a success story, a cruising car. But I wouldn't say you're beautiful.

I make the conscious decision to love you nevertheless, because I have been told that my capacity to love is part of who I am, and I shouldn't let other people determine how I love. I make the conscious decision to buy you things and knock on your door and shower attention, and I hope you see my beauty in that.

I have this dignity now. This love is no longer out of a pathetic, sorry weakness. I smother my pain. This love is out of my own strength. You probably don't notice the change but I know. The days of being bitter, of hating myself and where I am, are over; I know I am beautiful because of my capacity to love, and I will love you even if I feel you are not so.

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