Jan 12, 2012

For potential ACJC students

Before I came into ACJC, I didn't really have the best impression of it. I had the idea that it was full of rich snobs. Well the former is a little true - there are some pretty rich people, although you'll find far more in ACSI - but the latter is not. Any apprehension I had about the school vanished on day one. Orientation was a m a z i n g and we continue to uphold our legendary reputation. A lot of J1s from other JCs come to our school for orientation, and when asked why, they reply 'don't you know? AC's orientation is the best!' :') Of course, Orientation's only the beginning, but it's very significant, a great display of our school spirit.
(T'was great being a part of it. Writing the Orientation booklet, being an OGL. YAY COUNCIL.)

Check out the Youtube videos of ACJC Orientation 2011. Morgen's walk-in dance was the bomb. My Orientation 2010/2011 blog posts can be found here.

I experienced a strong school spirit first in Crescent, of warmth, love and family. AC's spirit is of fiery passion, fierce love, unity. It's infectious and loud; it courses through our veins. My advice: during Orientation mass rally sessions where everyone cheers like mad, give it your all, even when you're tired and thirsty and dying.

One thing about AC that stands out is that you take out of this journey whatever you want to gain. During Orientation, be insanely enthusiastic and dare to plunge into adventure and madness, and you'll get the most rewarding experience. When I came to AC, I decided that I'd no longer be the emo girl I was in Crescent. No longer would I sit alone during recess, leading an unsatisfactory life, looking at the people with whom I wished to be friends. In AC, I decided that I'd go all out to make each day the best that it could be. I spoke up, volunteered to be OG Rep / Class Rep, loved the mass dances and school anthem, made great friends. It worked.

Alternatively, if you'd rather lead the easy life, not bothering to make the most of this, that's what you'll get, too. You have to work hard at anything to get what you want, but the results never disappoint. Don't choose a less taxing CCA just because you want to go home early every day. Plunge yourself into the deep end. Go for things that interest you, even if - especially if - they're strenuous and heavy activities. Or at the very least, try to be as involved in your activities as possible. It is through this that you gain the most rewarding experience. It is through a CCA that involves passion, commitment and perseverance that you find your family.

For some, it's in the performing arts groups, like the Dance Society - any Dancer will tell you that it was through the late-night, exhausting Bailamos / SYF practice sessions that the strongest bonds were formed. For some, it's in sports groups, like Netball. For me, the Students' Council transformed me, and it was the highlight of my life.

Previously, I had never wanted to join the Council. In secondary school I looked upon the Council a little cynically, like how everyone else does. I guess I put my name down in AC because I wanted to make the best of my time here. I went in with little more than burning passion and dedication, and these qualities got me incredibly far. Endless Council work? Three-hour meetings? Insane decision-making moments? Council was an exhausting journey, but that's what made it so amazing. In a 'heavy' CCA, you'll find yourself spending more time in school than at home, arriving in school before the sun rises and leaving after it sets. But trust me. The more you give, the more you receive, and what you receive will be priceless. You'll find yourself a fierce passion, and that's what makes the AC spirit what it is.

Soon, you'll find the people who will never leave your side, who will never make you feel like you're worth any less than who you are. You'll find the people who will always rush over to dry your tears when you need to cry. You'll find the people with whom you share a common strong passion, be it for singing, soccer or photography. You will also push yourself to achieve things you never thought possible, realise the importance of integrity and tenacity, do some amazing things. All you have to do is take a step forward.

P.S. ELL is an amazing subject. Contact me for more info. Email or something.
P.P.S. If anyone actually saw the iMovie video they were screening at the corner in the Hub during the Open House...that was the first time I used iMovie! Council. Brought a lot of first-times.

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