Nov 3, 2010

Even 'family' doesn't describe it well enough

Having a PR outing right after the release of results mightn't have been the best of options, but six people out of ten turned up anyway and had a lot of lame fun. We decided we were all too cowardly to go to Scape's Museum of Horrors like we had planned to, so we watched a comedy instead - A Wonderful Afterlife.

(35, MAGIC NUMBER!!!!)

Had a fun time playing Uno with High School Musical cards with the Exco. I was the Ultimate Loser. Tomorrow's going to be eggciting - running with the awesome seven others!

We never do anything extraordinary when we're together, really - it's usually just dinner or something - but it's about the crazy fun we have just joking around; how the fun is in being in each other's company, and knowing we'd rather be here with one another than anywhere else.
Knowing we'll be fully committed to coming for any gathering or meeting (whether for fun stuff or not), because the time we spend together is always special. How we'd much rather be doing not-so-interesting-work-related-stuff together than having fun somewhere else.

It's a really special bond. I'm sure everyone's experienced it, really. I'm just not one who's had closely-knit cliques (or cliques at all), and it's just great to know that everyone is just as committed to and passionate for the group as you are.

More often than not, I love a group of people and am more committed to it than the others, or they feel for each other more than they do for me, and it just results in a lot of disappointment. To know your love and effort is reciprocated is beautiful.

I wonder how emo my life would've been if I hadn't joined Council. And the Exco. What even pushed me to sign up, after my seniors told me it was complete saikang?

I think it was my desire to make the best of my last two years in a school. University will be really different from the past twelve schooling years, and I'm glad I'm not in a Poly - I haven't had enough of this schooling life. School spirit and even the uniform and all.

I think I wanted to push myself to do what I never did previously, to realise my true potential and to leave with no regrets. Thanks to Guin and Crescent Dance, I realised that perhaps I could lead, or contribute in a bigger purpose than I had thought. So I became the OG and Class reps and then I guess I decided to try out for something a little greater, to contribute to a larger purpose. To make a difference and feel that I could help in a bigger way, that I was worth more.

No regrets.

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