Jun 29, 2010

Annie used to sing this song in class in 2008

And the rattlesnake said,
"I wish I had hands so
I could hug you like a man."
And then the cactus said,
"Don't you understand,
My skin is covered with sharp spikes
That'll stab you like a thousand knives.
A hug would be nice,
But hug my flower with your eyes.

(Because I'm a failure at both Korean and Japanese.)
(Obviously, something else is on my mind when I should be studying.)

Oh my gosh, I look back at my old posts and shudder at how disgusting I used to be. And how crazy mad gullible I was to believe all the (I'm sorry to be using a coarse word) s**t you happily crapped out to me. I mean, really, I can't believe I took it all in. Being with you reduced my mentality to be on par with yours - that of a six-year-old's. I mean, I can't even call them lies... they were far too ridiculous. They were stories only a child would think twice about. I can't believe I took it all in.

I'm a very, very, very gullible and naive person. Most of the time I believe things my friends tell me without questioning them. That's because I don't imagine they'd lie to me, because I wouldn't lie to my friends. If someone lies to me without a reason I see valid, I usually get really upset, because I trust my friends wholeheartedly.

It was only after you had been doing your crazy ridiculous exaggerating and lying for a really long time that I started to suspect that some of the things you were saying were a little exaggerated or unreal - and I never even suspected the ones you told earlier on - and by earlier on I mean in the first year we were together, out of a year and nine months. But I still decided to ignore my suspicions and trust you anyway because I loved you and thought you'd never lie to me.
(By the way, you're really gross. I can't believe I only saw that after everything. You really are.)

Hello friends. You guys need to know that I trust you with all my heart and I'm a very gullible person because I don't doubt you guys, but you must never ever betray that trust.

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