Jan 21, 2010


Audrey introduced me to Devon (Youtube: thiscityisdead) and I like the stuff he writes.

i've found passion in capturing; words, beauty, ideas, moments. my life is a mess of all of them, an absolute mess. they spill from my lips and fingertips. i keep the rest locked away in journals. i simply would rather live my life than sit at a desk and learn about it. i may not know every detail of the respiratory system but i still know how to breathe. and even breathing takes a close second to the circulatory system, my heart can pump blood, as well as compose love. i see my future through a lens.

i dont count pills i take them. you dont have to wait long before you hear the whispers, growing into words. people standing in door ways and secrets on your sholder. plans and directions. world domination. crawl out of this skin, like the spiders from his lips. oh you'll make so many new friends.. but none will be there by morning.

Devon and Connor are people who speak so strongly about love and equality and anti-discrimination and I love it. I don't want a boyfriend who is disgusted at the thought of love between cousins or even siblings or two people of the same gender. Just because it's weird, it doesn't make it wrong. I want a boyfriend who knows that love is all the same, the feeling's all the same. Nobody has the right to judge a person by who he loves.

As Connor says,
"I just think it's disgusting when someone has a problem with who somebody loves."

I also really love how Devon's so unafraid to tell the world that he's weak and vulnerable. Few guys are as expressive and daring to show who they really are and that strikes my heart.

Why can't Singaporean guys be like that.

I'm in love with his livejournal.

(No, Devon and Connor aren't some gay couple. -.-)

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