Dec 12, 2009

Pass it on

Thank you Shu En for all the stuff, very pretty and they all fit me (: It's funny; some of the clothes are stuff I never imagined I'd be able to pull off, but it turns out I don't look as disastrous in them as I imagined I would.

Planning to get quite a number of things from a particular blogshop but it adds up to quite a lot of money and my mum's going to scream at me if I spend even a cent of the $100 I have left from the Hongkong trip. And I'm getting a pair of shoes tomorrow that costs $20. Wah die. My Nuffnang earnings seem to have become stagnant at $49.77. ARGH just a few more cents T.T People please help me click on the adverts okayyy (: (: (: I've been waiting since last year for this $50 okay.

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