Oct 8, 2009

Sometimes I know God's here

To the dearest Amelia Bimbo Cheng.

Had a good chat with Amelia today. From studies to God to relationships - I love having heart-to-heart talks. I mean, I don't think anyone doesn't, but I think it's rare to be able to engage in... an intelligent conversation. Not many people would be willing to listen. Intelligent conversations are more important to me than anyone could ever imagine - letting my thoughts and points of view be known to others is my main goal in life. People who have the endurance to listen to me talk about my thoughts are amazing. I love Cheng (:

And friend you can always give me a random call okay. I may not be that close to you but you mean incredibly much to me and I'm here for you no matter what, you can always count on me for that. Really enjoyed talking to you today (too). I needed that. I need to have nice lengthy thought-provoking intelligent conversations once in a while. Not many people are willing to hear me out. And it's really nice to be reminded of the fact that I've got a great friend with me whom I can still talk to and be close to even though we've stepped down from Dance and have been in different classes since Sec 3. It's nice to know that I'm more loved than I think I am. It's nice to know I've still got precious friends around me. It's nice to be reminded about you because our friendship is amazing.

No, I've changed my mind. You MUST give me random calls once in a while (:

And yes I can afford the time to post this but not to edit the award thing :D

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