Sep 16, 2009


Sometimes I feel quite sad for the world. With a PSLE score of about 243++, Crescentians are supposed to belong to the top 15% of Singaporeans in terms of intelligence/academic results.
And I'm like, if I'm the top 15%, that means 85% of Singaporeans are STUPIDER THAN ME! How's that possible?!?! I just feel... so sad for the intelligence level of our country.

And Singapore's supposed to be a very developed country with high education standards, and primary education is compulsory, unlike many many other countries. So if this is the standard of intelligence of Singaporeans, what does that make of the rest of the world?!?!!
I feel sad for the world.

"Eh, you know I'm in GEP (Gifted Education Programme) right, I'm supposed to be the TOP 1% leh." - my brother
Wah, that did it. The world is screwed.

That stupid Ong Jieying untagged herself from all the pictures of her in my primary school album on Facebook, so I tagged her back, just without her profile.
See album HERE

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