Apr 4, 2009

It's painful to witness poverty.

"Sometimes I wonder, if I could go somewhere else and get an education, how different things would be."

I only watched about a minute of the documentary but it's impacted me quite a bit.

It's about women in Calcutta who live in poverty and are of a very low class, treated pretty much like dirt. These women live in brothels, and they have children.

These children live in the brothels, and witness their mother, sisters, etc. get raped by men over and over again.

There was a scene where a beautiful child around 8-10 years old was squatting down and washing a wok, while her mother, dressed prettily, was putting on eyeliner and lipstick. The kid knows what's going to happen, what the mother's going to do. Wouldn't it hurt so badly to know your mother and sisters are forced to have sex with random men a few times a day? The worst thing is, these kids know they have no choice but to become like that too.

Which child deserves to have to witness that, and know that they will be in this "business" as soon as they can?

They keep getting asked, "When will you join?" and they know it'll be very soon, as soon as they can.

They're kids, for goodness' sake, beautiful girls probably the age of eight or nine.

Which child deserves a life like that?

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