Feb 19, 2009

iie lurbbex maii frwenx (:

 - A bunch of 26 roses from Baby <333
 From Baby again! You know, this musical thing? You turn the handle and the cylinder thing rotates and the little circular projections on the cylinder hit against the rectangular thingies and play a musical-box-sounding tuuuunnne. :D This one was custom-made so it cost a lot! Baby said he wanted to put Bella's Lullaby but it was too long to fit into the circular thing, then he wanted to put the song he wrote for me but it was too long too, so he just put You Are My Sunshine, because it was the song I'd play everytime he was feeling emo/crying. (:

 - From Jt, ZOMGOODNESS SUPER CUTE CAN!!!!! SUPER CUTE ! And I love the "I'm Yours" heart. Immediately made me think of the cute Jason Mraz song.

From Jan! LUBCHEWX DARLINK! The only rose I got that didn't die out uh. XD

From Mad! My mum thought the flower was real. AND LOVE THE BOWTIES!

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