Feb 3, 2009

I haven't updated in ages

Sarah and Sumay, I refuse to upload the pictures onto Facebook. :P Get them here, I'll tell you guys when I post the pictures up!


Was replying Abigail's email about my CHC post and I realised something.

I really think God comes to me through people, maybe because I'm able to relate to people much better than something intangible/invisible like God. I seriously think so.. if he comes to some people this way too. I mean, everyone's different, everyone receives God differently too. And come on, He's capable of doing anything!

And if it's true, if He really does come to me through people, then I guess I'm very blessed, and if it's true, then I know He hasn't forgotten my existence. (:

How Jason spends his time and a lot of effort to talk to/counsel/help me, the Christmas card Xueling Laoshi gave me that said "You have great potential in your voice! Continue to believe in your dreams!", how Janice comforted me and prayed for me when I started freaking out before the Fei Chang Ge Shou auditions, how Xiao Xuan hugged me and prayed for me when I was trembling with trauma during the Prayer Meeting, how Jessie helps me out all the time and tells me when I do something I shouldn't, how Jessie's very concerned about my relationship with God and always tries to help me, how Jt always tries to help me grow closer in my faith by praying for me and telling me stuff the pastors talked about in service and encouraging me when I'm emo and buying that book for me (there girl! :D) even though she's only just started this religion, how all my friends help me when I feel like I'm alone and nearly want to give up on faith...

There are just so many people who've blessed my life and everytime someone does, I pray for that person to be blessed too, along with everyone else who helped me before, because I really believe God came to me through these person when He wanted to tell/show/teach me something, or help me when I'm down, because I guess I'm still not ready to relate to a God who I can't see or hear or feel.

Because of the CHC post, I've gotten closer to a lot of people who came to comfort me, through SMSes/emails/tags or face-to-face.. Dance juniors, people I was once good friends with, people I never really knew well, and even my primary school classmate... It's amazing, we're all so different, my friendship with you guys were beginning to fade, or I didn't even really know you guys well, but because of this incident I became closer to a few people, and I realise that there are more people who care for me than I think. I'm not close to many people, but now I realise there are people who care for me, and that really means a lot to me.

Thanks you guys, I really love you guys to the maxxxxxxxx, it may not seem so but every encouraging word you said gave me hope and made me feel really loved and blessed, and you guys (and what you said) really mean a lot to me.

Special thanks to Jason (who probably doesn't read my blog but yeah), because whenever I was in need of help you were there, because you prayed that I would be able to come for CG, because you helped me talk to my parents and everything, because you came to me and prayed for me during the Prayer Meeting, because it helped me calm down a little. Thanks for meeting up with me to talk about how I felt during the Prayer Meeting, because I think I really needed your help. Thank you for always reassuring me that I didn't have to worry about not being able to come for CG, thanks for assuring me that you would talk to my parents and everything.

You're my most unlikely confidant, but a great one too.
I don't know if things will change between us after this but I do miss you as a friend.
Thanks Amelia. (:

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