Jan 1, 2009

Happy new year.


O's O's O's O's O's.
Tons of homework, Midyears + Prelims + O's all at the same time, Asian Youth Games practice, stepping down (bye Dance D:), no Miss Azlin, no Miss Joanna Lim, NO OBBBBBBB, and probably no church (well it's no surprise, since my parents stopped me from going since I was 13 cos they wanted me to concentrate on my studies. But... now that I'm back again, though I'm in a different church now, I can't bear to leaveeee! Well I hope my parents will allow me to go to CHC anyway. They've got terrible impressions of the church, just like everyone else).   

I haven't enjoyed myself enough to be able to concentrate on O's this whole year. I'm so dead.

Jessie, we'll die together!


She kissed him, she kissed him hard, she kissed him with passion.
But in her mind, he wasn't the person she was kissing.
In her mind, the person she was kissing was you.

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