Jan 16, 2009


Was super happy to see her! Wanted to talk to her and stuff, but didn't have the time.
I remember how scared we all were of her when she was Discipline Mistress hahaha. How we could be talking happily and then suddenly stop when we saw her, even if she was quite far away. But she was also damn patient and kind and nice and everything. When she was teaching us cymbals we kept getting it wrong but she was really patient and when we actually managed to get it right she was like clapping and squealing. XD
I admire her so much man. Like, she's a super fierce discipline mistress and the whole of Dance is scared of her, but she's also very nice and everything.

I MISS CASSANDRA! I wish I got to chat with her or something. But all I said was "HI CASSANDRA!" and then she said "Hi! You look like you're gonna die" (because I was climbing up the stairs)

Jodi Picoult!

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