Sep 11, 2008


Annie is going to sit at the extra table at our row hahaha.
Since don't-know-when when we had to rearrange our tables there's been an extra table at our row, so it's been Kelly-me-Teryne-extra table. Then later my table got so freaking cluttered with all my stuff that there was no space to put anything anymore so I used Teryne's table to do work and Teryne sat at the extra table. 
Then now Annie's moving so I actually cleared my table to make space (I was actually kind of shocked to see my table so empty) and now it's Kelly-Annie-me-Teryne hahaha.

Oh and I've got pictures of Mingxuan trying to hit a bee with her Geog textbook.
And I've got a picture of Cuixiao sleeping in the weirdest position ever (WINKWINK HAZEL AND JESSIE) HAHAHA.
Ohman I've got so many pictures to upload D:

Tears flow but I can't let anyone know.
Eh omg they rhyme. :D

Thanks for today, Amelia (: 

I don't know what I'm sorry for.
Sorry I'm not being as strict as I should be, sorry the discipline standard of Dance is falling.

I seriously think that if I wasn't Discipline head, perhaps the discipline standard would be better, especially if Amelia was head. (shudder)
I don't know. Is what I'm doing correct? I'm trying to make friends with the juniors so that they'll know me better and see the nicer side of me, and maybe they'll respect me more, and maybe they'll actually listen when I scold.
I don't just want to be a Discipline head; I want to be there for them when they need help, whether it's in Dance or school stuff or maybe even personal problems, I want to be someone they'll come to when they need help, or maybe when they're looking for someone to crap with. I want to be a friendly senior, maybe even a friend.
I just hope they'll listen, I hope they'll cooperate.
And the Sec 3s too, seriously, I think our level's the most ill-disciplined of the lot. I know I shouldn't be saying this here, sorry, but I really think we shouldn't be behaving this way. Even the Sec 2s are more hardworking than us; when the other group was learning the moves and our group was resting, most of the Sec 2s were actually practicing and the Sec 3s were just sitting around and chatting.
And then we tell them "if you have nothing to do, practice your movements!"
Isn't it quite hypocritical?

(Btw juniors, please don't disrespect us or anything because of this. Trust me, we've worked super super super super hard before, we know how it feels to be so fatigued from dance that we can't even walk out of the hall to refill water bottles, to be scolded badly by seniors, we've been through everything and more please.)

I'll show everyone.
I'll be the best Discipline Head there ever was and we'll all really work very hard for SYF, to clinch that Gold with Hons again, to bring glory to Crescent Dance and our school and all of us.
I won't let the reputation of Dance fall, I won't let my seniors down,
I won't let Dance down.
I'll show everyone I can do it.

Oh and by the way, Dancers:
Y'all know how Diao means correcting of dance movements right?
DIAO = Dance It All Out!
So when we DIAO movements during SYF pract in December, don't want to see anyone doing half-heartedly okay. It always happens because diao-ing is damn tiring, but when it gets tiring, all the more we should D.I.A.O :D

Shit this is so cool. Next time during SYF pract when you guys are half-dead I'll remind y'all of this ;D

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