Jun 14, 2008

the freaking longest quiz ever. daoxin's fault :D

Daoxin's fault I'm doing such a long quiz :D
People I've tagged:
1) Jt, 2) Maddie, 3) Celeste, 4) Janjan, 5) Yanhua, 6) Yingyan, 7) Shermmzxzxz, 8) Jessie (if you still read my blog), 9) Jacey (if you read my blog), 10) Cui Xiao (HAHAH)
[ 10 ] Firsts
First Best Friend: Sarah :D Since .. forever?
First Screen Name: Can't remember. I think it's itsjuzme or nerakho? :/
First Pet: My bro went to a fish farm in p4 and brought home a fish :D
First Crush: Ehhhhh, Bryson p3-p6? (The whole world already knows anw)
First CD: Eh, no idea. But the first Chinese singer I knew was David Tao x3
First Car: Ehhhhhh...
First Love: Dear? :D (I don't think Bryson's counted because although we liked each other nothing happened. We were p3 WTH.)
First Place Called Home: Ehh, Blk 316 Jurong East St 32. 13th floor. I moved out when i was 6 :D
[ 9 ] LastsLast Beverage: RED GRAPE JUICE at the super cool Italian restaurant yesterday with my cousins in KL :D
Last Car Ride: Eh, to the dentist (in KL) yesterday HAHAHA
Last Movie Seen: Uh, I super can't remember. The last time I went to the cinemas, I watched August Rush with Sumay, Kai and Laogong, I think. Or L Change The World with Laogong. Both shows rock anw :D
Last Phone Call: Ian's mum asking me if I wanted gutinous rice for breakfast?
Last Song You Listened To: Gou Ai by A Chord :D yesterday
Last Bubble Bath: Uh, at Sarah's house when i was 10? HAHA
Last Time You Cried: Last night, from being Laogong-sick at KL. ):
Last Bad Thing You Did: Uh... Can't remember? :D
[ 8 ] Have You Evers.
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: Dear? HAHAHAHA.
Have You Ever Been Arrested: I'm guai lor.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: O.O
Have You Ever Been On A Limo: SIAO MAN.
Have You Ever Cheated: In ting xie?
Have You Ever Been In Love: Bryson and dear?
A Car Accident: ALMOST.
Have You Ever Broken A Bone: Thankfully not, I'm a nice person :D
[ 7 ] Things You Are Wearing. (Wth, i'm in my home clothes!
1. Dance tee
2. Purple FBTS (I insist they're not gay!)
3. Eh, bra.
4. Underwear (whee-wheet!)
5. Sanitary pad (o.o)
6. Hairband
7. Uh, my skin.
[ 6 ] Things You've Done Today
1. Brushed my teeth
2. Read Laogong's smses
3. Tell Ian's mum that I wanted glutinous rice for breakfast
4. Laughed at Ian's expression when he was trying to kill some idiot in DOTA
5. Ate my breakfast
6. Laughed with Yvonne about how much we want to go shopping today
(You know, I've only been awake for about an hour. How many things could I have done?!)
[ 5 ] Favourite Things
1)JJ, 2)My tablet (but I hate it now because it's infected with 234817395 viruses, 3)Laogong, 4)my phone, 5)Dance
[ 4 ] People You Tell Almost Anything To
1)I can tell Dear anything in the world :D 2)Binkai, because he's always online 3)Shermin 4)..myself? HAHAHA
[ 3 ] Choices
1. Black Or White: :/ I love both!
2. Hot Or Cold: Neither :/
3. Chocolate Or Vanilla: OMG CHOCOLATE LUH.
[ 2 ] Things You Want To Do Before You Die
1) To be a good Dance discipline mistress (pweeeeeease?)
2) To have a music career!
[ 1 ] Thing You Regret
Too many to decide which I should put here.

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