Dec 31, 2007

i don't count that as a first kiss


omg, it's 31 dec!!!!D:
STUPID NEW YEAR!!! so not looking foward to the homework!


the voodoo doll is like the cutest ever lah!! thanks laogong!! x333

was just playing audition with jt, sumay, chuenwee and sumay's stupid friend bingkai.

sorry this screenshot was taken so terribly that our faces are all hidden because of the weird dance movement. XP stupid bingkai kept acting pro and saying the songs were too slow and all that. please lah, i beat him at every game and he still say. wanna talk get 1st place first luhhh! but he left after a while cos he wanted to go and sleep.
I WON EVERY GAME! except for one where sumay beat me. :(

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