Aug 8, 2007

mood: touched. -- song: bu liu lei de ji chang/JJ
amy showed me some stuff JMs wrote about their feelings from jj, and i’m really so touched from the posts.. :),
“很多时候… 只要默默地努力做一个JM… 就已经足够幸福”
people always think it’s stupid to obsess over someone that doesn’t know you, but i think, it’s enough just to be by his side and watch over him, silently sharing all his troubles and joys. 就算你不认识我, 只要我能够陪在你身边,我已觉得足够了。:)
being a fan isn’t all sweet. because of our crazy love, every insult or criticism is taken seriously and therefore we suffer a lot too. we cry for him, when he overworks himself, we also feel 心痛. it hurts, being a fan. but for jj, it’s worth it. :)
at times i used to wonder, why i was so crazily obsessed over jj.. i only know him as a singer, what if 私低下的他 is not who i expected?
and then when i see him live.. my doubts vanish completely.
everything he does for his fans, the sweat and tears he sacrifices to do a good job for those who love him, his love for his fans, his passion for music and his dreams to use music to help people.. his sincerity has touched so many hearts, including mine, and i never ever regret being his fan. :)
thank you jj, for being there for us when we’re sad, comforting us with your voice and telling us everything will be ok. motivating us and encouraging us to live on. i realised my dream because of you. i study hard, listen to my parents, improve my attitude, learn to be more understanding and forgiving, all for you. thank you for guiding me with your music, you’re my “guardian angel”.. :D

“如果下辈子我还记得你,我还是你的歌迷” :)
The Story of Lesbian Partners Joan & Pet:
the school singing HOME during community singing:

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