May 29, 2007

those who havent read my prev. 5 posts, read those cos they're nicer to read. :D
this post is dedicated to someone, and that someone only. i shall put a smaller font size to make it seem like it isn't as long as it really is. XD
thank you.
thank you for dedicating that post to me, making me feel loved and a true friend for the first time in a really really long while. i really needed it. i was just beginning to give up on everything and just become a loner. i was beginning to doubt the meaning of friendship; thinking that friendship was just one big lie, a "facade of deceit". both you and that post changed it all. thank you for mending my heart when it broke; for making me forget all the problems i had when i was with you; for allowing me to be my true self and not put on a show and act like someone i wasn't; for making me believe in friendship again. thank you, for everything.
an incident at sarawak, while you were talking to mingen, made me wonder if you were really true about our friendship, or just trying to break up my clique or something. i obviously can't read minds so i still don't know, but i trust that you really cherish our friendship. well, if there's a motive behind this, i will so kill you. because i can't live without you. :) you'd better not let me down. because i need you too much.
you were never a disappointment, neither were you a trouble. you're my friend, your problems are my responsibilities. being there for you when you needed it wasn't a problem; it was a relief to concentrate on someone else's problems once in a while. i'm really sorry i can't tell you about my problem, although you might have guessed already.
you don't have to express your gratitude for me; in fact, i should be the one doing so. i was the broke one you kept having to treat (:P), the lazy one who kept copying your answers, the stubborn one you had to keep giving in to, the noisy one who kept rambling on about stuff i had already told you about many times before (hahaha). i don't know how to repay you for your kindness, but i know i owe you too much.
your strength to overcome all your problems really touched me, your desperate attempts to patch up friendships. you must have rubbed off some of your strength on me; i feel more motivated now.
thank you, shermin. for everything.

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