Apr 15, 2010

Something Amelia said that I actually agree with

"Crescent Dance has taught me a lot. I learnt it the hard way. But I'm glad. Because every single rash decision that I made, every wrong thing that I said or did, gave me shit. But I learnt from it, made friends through it and I'm really glad for that."

LIKE! LIKE! LIKE! Looking back at how embarrassingly horrible I was at being a Discipline Mistress at first and how I slowly grew in my role and in my love for Dance and in learning to rely on God, I must say Crescent Dance has brought me very, very far.

If not for my leadership role in Dance - if Guin had not fought for me for some weird reason - I wouldn't have been forced to see the beauty of Crescent Dance and would probably have left not treasuring the experience, I wouldn't be OG or Class Rep, I wouldn't be in AC Dance, I would be very timid and unwilling to put forth my opinions in group discussions and the thought of trying out for Council would NEVER have crossed my mind.

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