Jun 25, 2011

3. If I only had 24 hours to live

I'd spend the morning at home reading the diaries I kept as a child and my older blog posts,
get my Malaysian cousins to come over and get into Universal Studios for free just to get on Battlestar Galactica,
make Ian/Ivan play me Tears In Heaven,
have lunch with Sumay & Sarah at the thosai place at Little India that Sarah and I used to go to a lot after Sunday school,
chat and photobooth with the both of them at Sarah's house, because I really love that place,
pay a visit back to my old church (St. Andrew's Cathedral) and sit in its peaceful atmosphere,
go back to JWPS with Rachel & Teressa and tell Mrs Foo, Mdm Beena and Mdm Pua how great they are,
go back to Crescent with Shermin and see Mdm Lim and Mrs Rupa and Mr Lee, go crazy on the lion dance drums & cymbals and, if Crescent Dance is practicing, shower Laoshi with love,
have dinner with my close AC friends (I'm not naming!) (...I can't think of a dinner place!),
revisit Red Dot Traffic Building with Jt, Janice and Maddie, and relive our OB fun,
go back and stand outside Universal Studios with my Council mates and watch the fireworks,
and spend the last few moments with them in the Council room.

And tell him (and him) how I once felt.

Oh and there'll be hugs all around.

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