Apr 22, 2011

No more rejects__alley, it's queerkidslane

Queer as in weird - not gay! (Not that I'm against homosexuals or anything, just clarifying)

Does anyone wanna go for City Harvest's Easter production? It's gonna be cool!!!!! Saturday 1pm and 5pm; Sunday 10am :)

Slept at 5am today and woke up at 8.15pm. It's a record. I missed church and Free Starbucks Day. Missed the opportunity to catch up on my work.

He died for us so that we could live for Him

There's a price for knowing God. Maybe many of us don't know him because that price is too high. The price of sacrificing time, of stopping the things you frequently indulge in that He doesn't approve of like gossip or vulgarities, of letting go of hatred and learning to forgive, acknowledging that your own strength isn't enough - letting go of your pride and reaching out to Him. All for someone you don't see, or hear, but whom the Bible says is always with you and watching you.

It's all worth it, really, once you feel Him. Once He's swept His might and power over you, you realise that without Him, you're nothing. You're a hopeless nothing. With Him, you have hope, knowing everything you do is being watched over by Him, that He has plans for you - plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans for hope and a bright future - and not for your own glory, but His own alone.

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