May 9, 2011

The definition of unrequited love

Unrequited love is love that is not openly reciprocated or understood as such, even though reciprocation is usually deeply desired.

The inability to express and fulfill emotional needs may lead to feelings such as depression, low self-esteem, anxiety and rapid mood swings between depression and euphoria.

The object of unrequited love is often a friend or acquaintance, someone regularly encountered... This creates an awkward situation in which the admirer has difficulty in expressing his/her true feelings, a fear that revelation of feelings might invite rejection, cause embarrassment or might end all access to the beloved.

yes, girl (and you, too), it's a story of your life. You've just found an explanation for all that inner turmoil. It's almost medical. It's like a doctor took your life and gave you a medical write-up.

Now it's no longer pent-up emotions you don't know how to express, other than in the tears you sow in secret in the hope that seems eternally futile, and in the nights you lash out at yourself with vulgar blog posts and alcohol and a penknife, wondering if you're cheerful enough, pretty enough. It's typed out here, concrete, for you and the rest of the 98% of the world who have felt just like how you do. The world isn't crashing down on you. It isn't just you going through this torture after all.

Now smile for me. Genuinely.

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