Mar 3, 2011


Sheena read the untitled entry in the non-sequitur booklet and immediately asked if I wrote it.

The entry's anonymous because 1) it isn't based on anything true, and I don't want people wondering who the guy was and how scandalous my life secretly is because I wrote it without anyone in mind, while listening to a song (the song whose lyrics I end my entry off with - Almost Lover); and 2) because when a name's there, the attention isn't on the writing itself anymore. Especially for something like what I wrote... it's pretty scandalous if you think it was based on a true experience of mine. It wasn't.

But yeah I don't mind people knowing I wrote it as long as they know it wasn't based on anything true! Not really satisfied with how it turned out though.

Meanwhile, I'm in love with Marie's entry.

"remorse code"

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