Feb 24, 2011

So what did you think I would say?

You asked me what happened to the me you once knew -
how about you, how about you, what happened to the you I once knew? You with that heart-melting silent concern and the funny randomness only you possess and your stupid jokes and the texts I wish I still had. And the notes. And the little things only I would remember. Very small insignificant things.

The you I once knew has died; now you're just a shadow of him. It's about time. I've moved on a huge lot. I remember the days I never thought I'd get out of that grave I had dug - with your shovel - I'm glad I'm out of that hole. But I also need to walk away.

I really like being your friend - your friend and nothing more. It's great to be able to talk generally freely and comfortably.

Valentine's day was great -
I think guys who give flowers are really sweet. Justin pulled out a red rose; Alex let me pick a really pretty bright-coloured gerbera; I told Seokhoon randomly that guys who gave flowers were really sweet, and he got me a pink gerbera. Jessica my OG kid gave me a rose.
Very sweet.

I came to school armed with 26 packets of cookies + sweets and cards (ref. to picture of Justin's card and cookies above), and received awesome little gifts - Hyun's socks for the PRians, Chloe's very amazing gifts and letters, Geraldine's cup, a cupcake from another OG kid (Michelle), Grace Caines' awesome poem and Nerds and Reese's, Grace Chan's cookies, Emme's photo, etc etc. Weiliang pumped up a balloon from the Council room that said 'You're 1 in a Million'. Colin tied a heart-shaped helium balloon around my neck (uh, okay).

(Love, me)

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