Oct 7, 2010

But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand

You've got me on your lips
At the foot of the stairs
With your fingers in my hair
Baby, this is it


You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfilment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realise the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may be pleasantly surprised at what happens.
(May be pleasantly surprised? They can tell my present but they can't tell my future.)

The way things are, you feel that you are stuck in a rut and there is not much you can do about it. You feel frustrated and inhibited but if you can find a way to let yourself go, you may find that things aren't quite so bad as perhaps you thought they were. One consolation is that since you are an extremely emotional individual, with the right person you may be able to release some of that frustration and tension with some mutual tender loving care.

What do you say to taking chances;
What do you say to jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below -
or hand to hold -
or hell to pay -
What do you say?

(I think I'm too afraid to try defying gravity - but you, you could say the phrase and I'm helplessly yours.)

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