May 2, 2010

"Karen, I think there's something you need to buy"

Jeremy Erh says (12:47 AM):
i think u have to buy ten and use
one for ur laptop one of ur handphone one for ur mp3 one for ur ezlink
anything that costs $10 and above have to put one

Ikrrrr. I lost my two-month-old phone, EZ-link card, IC and beloved birthday iPod. I can't live without my iPod ): And on Friday I thought I had lost my small black coin pouch (no, no wallet, I lost it last year during Chinese intensive) that had a considerable amount of money in it, and I was freaking out and praying it was in the lost-and-found box. It was hard to have faith that it'd be there, especially after losing so many other things.

In the end I tried my best to believe. "I know God won't me down," I said, and tried to ignore the possibility of it just being stolen like everything else. By the grace of God it really was there in the lost-and-found box :D Thank you, wonderful person who returned it instead of taking it away.

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