May 11, 2010


"SOUTH AFRICA (Okhahlamba Rural): “It’s 5 p.m. in South Africa — half an hour until the sunset. This boy was still so cheerful after a long day out in the fields, looking after the cattle.”

The New York Times did this incredibly beautiful thing (CLICK HERE):
Here it is: Earth, covered by stacks of thousands of virtual photographs, corresponding in location to where they were taken by Lens readers at one “Moment in Time” (15:00 U.T.C., Sunday, May 2).

Very amazing. At exactly the same time (15:00 UTC), people from all around the world took photos and sent them, together with captions, to Lens (New York Times). It's just amazing, to me, to think that at this very point in time, while I'm staring at the computer, somewhere else in the world someone else is having a totally different life - a kid milking cows, a family trying to hide in the midst of a civil war, a teenage mother witnessing her own abortion, a child dying of starvation (A CHILD DIES EVERY THREE SECONDS IN AFRICA), someone being murdered. I actually bet someone's getting murdered right now. Brutally, by a butcher, like in that mad crime murder show my mum loves (other than CSI).

And I'm blogging.

It's just fascinating, don't you think? We're all here right now, but every second of my life could be drastically different from someone else's in a different country. Maybe somewhere out there, a boy's looking at the night sky and wondering if anyone else knows about the nebula in the Orion constellation, unlike the jocks and bimbos in his school. (or am I the only nerd who does?)

I've always loved this choir song since we first sang it in primary school:

Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me, and loving me tonight;
Somewhere out there, someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another
In that big somewhere out there

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