Apr 22, 2010

Precisely because nobody goes there

After the longest hiatus ever, I've revived my Livejournal. I've come to realise, after being in this school for two months, that I do need a personal blog.

Boo, insecurities and cheap friendships and gossip and double-faces. And gossip.

I know what it's like to be someone other people are talking about. Even if it's just for a minute or two and it's never brought up again, people remember. It's what's on people's minds when they're talking to you, it's what keeps them from being able to build a genuine friendship with you. And it sucks. And so I've resolved not to give in to peer pressure and not to gossip or say bad things about people. I shall keep my negative comments to myself and openly praise or be understanding, just like how I used to. I mustn't compromise on my values and stick to what I know is right even when everyone else happily indulges in gossip.

And it's just scary when someone keeps commenting about how a certain person sucks and all but they're frequently seen talking to one another too. And I think, so what do you think about me? I'm a person who likes straightforwardness. It's bitter but at least you don't live in denial and make that person more irritated. If you don't like someone, don't hang out with her. Trash it out with her and let her know what you can't stand, so that she will be aware of it. It's doing her a favour. It's better than letting her make a fool of herself continuously while you laugh or roll your eyes inside and the rest of us know what everyone else's thinking. Do the poor friend a favour. What if you were her?

After all, the only people who deserve to be bitched about are those who bitch.

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