Feb 8, 2009

"What are you wearing man! You look like you just had sex!"

PE: We played this new thing called Hansoc.
The outcome amazed me, I guess. I had never been so enthusiastic in a PE game EVER.
Well usually I'm like, pretending to run, trying to find something to do etc, trying not to get in the way because I know I'll just bring the group down.
Oh and I'm terribly afraid of balls. Everytime someone passes me a ball, in Captain's ball or basketball or whatever, I'm supposed to catch the ball but I ALWAYS DODGE IT INSTEAD. And then it ends up in the opponent's hands. And then I end up hoping nobody will throw the ball to me.
But this time, man, I was genuinely enthusiastic about the game! I was running with everyone, running after and catching the balls, like WOAH. I was kind of impressed at myself actually. Of course I wasn't as enthu as Janeen and Janey and Jessie, but I was much more enthu than I ever was!

CG was okay. (: First CHC meeting/event I didn't cry in.
I bought a pair of skinnies online, I LOVE IT because it really does make my legs look very skinny, the problem is it can't fit at the waist area. -.- STUPID FAT ASS THAT'S ONE (OR MORE) SIZE(S) BIGGER THAN MY LEGS SOB SOB. I need to lose ass (and thigh) fats!!!
I feel very bad because my dad told me to meet him at Taka after CG then I thought we could go shopping so I brought J4M along then it turned out my dad just wanted to fetch me home from Taka so I had to pangseh J4M even though it was I who asked them out in the first place. >.<
I've got a few cute pictures from today, will post up (:

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