Nov 1, 2008

Heh heh heh


The OB JMs decided to dress up heh heh.
But Maddie didn't have anything so she just brought a hairband that had devil's horns.
Janice looked like JJ because of the checkered prints everywhere and the nerdy specs but she insisted they weren't JJ-inspired.
I wore my Ju Hua Tai costume. I looked like a fat grandmother princess.
(Can grandmothers be princesses?)
Crazy JT cut up her old Black Belt (1st Poom) Taekwondo outfit. She tore the right sleeve short (and put the extra sleeve around her bunny bag), and cut holes in the left sleeve. And she put red food colouring all over her exposed arm and Taekwondo outfit. I saw women walking past her and giving her shocked scared stares. HAHAHAHA

When I told Maddie that Wewe looked amused when he saw Jt's and my outfits, Maddie replied
"Lol! Why should he be amused? He's wearing a hideous costume everyday!"

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