Jul 9, 2008


Finally got around to uploading my pictures again. (Somehow I find it very irritating to connect my phone to my computer x.x)
So I've got stuff to blog about already!
Damn sick but quite cool. Mrs Shen made us stick our fingers into the 4 blood vessels leading to the heart and see where our fingers ended up so that we could identify the vessels. OMG WAS DAMN SICK CAN. I mean I didn't do it but those who did it were D:-ing all the way. :D
In the end we just chopped the poor heart up into small pieces so everyone could hold it, HAHAHA.

2) Mango craze (To Sumay: Here you go!)

3) Strawberries are heart-shaped!!!!
(Badly edited picture, sorry lah, I don't know how to use Photoshop can?! D:)

Omg, I just noticed. So cool right! :D 

4) SOMEBODY attempting to cheat during a particular test. :O

5) Teehee


5) Too lazy to blog about Fairfield Funfair. 
But anyway, Mad Jt and I went crazy over HUGE cotton candy but in the end we got sick of it -.-
Oh and I've learnt the lesson that my purple racerback DOES NOT go with the musical hoodie Shermin gave me as a birthday present (that cost $73 because it was the "authentic one" HAHA).

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