Mar 5, 2008

i'm sorry

WHYWHYWHY is posting videos of crescentians in school uniform on the internet AGAINST THE RULES?!!
i mean if the girls are like, really sloppily dressed and are screaming like crazy all over the place and giving people a bad impression of crescent, then obviously it’s not good lah. but if they’re properly attired and not doing anything to tarnish crescent’s reputation, it should be ok right?! i posted a video of us singing during national day and i got comments from crescent ALUMNI saying how much they missed crescent. am i going to get a Serious Offence for doing that?!?!! IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!
and taking porn pictures of yourself, even if you don’t post them on the internet or share them, is apparently illegal?? at least in china, don’t think it’s illegal in Singapore. it says producing porn pictures are illegal.
i mean it’s your own life leh, and by taking porn pictures of yourself for your own viewing, you’re not harming anyone what, i mean, you’re not even showing them to anyone! so why is it illegal? i mean in the Edison chen case, i seriously think he’s not really in the wrong. yah, people say he’s “omg so sick” and everything, but i mean his sex life is his own business, pre-marital sex isn’t illegal what. it’s seriously the fault of the technicians who kaypoh-ed and invaded edison’s and the other women’s privacy, really. Edison had no intention of sharing the photos or posting them online, so why is it illegal!?
it isn’t, right? maybe i read wrongly.

i don’t know, i’d prepared myself fully to tell you, and i really planned to tell you while we were at your house.
i just couldn’t, i didn’t have the courage to tell you, i couldn’t bear to tell you.
because i couldn’t hurt you, and i knew that if i said it out, i’d probably start crying too,
because i love you.

i’m really sorry, about yesterday.
i’m really really sorry.
i shouldn’t have brought it up in the first place, i knew this would happen.
but i do trust you wholeheartedly, i do love you more than anything, and i can’t bear to lose you either.
and i do hope we’ll be able to survive that one huge obstacle,
we’ll see.

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