Dec 27, 2007

HAPPY 2ND MONTH LAOGONG!!!!!!! x333333

and janice, jt and i went to book the ob piano studio today to practise. wujiaming wasn't here today but he said he'd test us on the chromatic scales thing (we have to sing all the semitones and stuff) uh, ONE BY ONE next week so we decided to practise today. :D
we ended up playing the piano and fooling around with other piano songs more leh. :P
and janice bought the 5jms really cool shirts from bossini! there's a treble clef with wings, and it says 'rock'. the one she got me is red. :D THANKS JANJAN!! LOVESSS :D

i went to malaysia and my mum gave me 100 RM to spend and in the end all i bought were..
2 hairbands and a musical note hairpin. and i had to give the rest of the money back to my mum btw. so wasted.
and i've decided not to post about christmas with my cousins. not much to post anyway.

i started to feel really cold, and i thought it didn't matter, i'm wasn't scared of the cold anymore because i knew you'd take the cold away.
and then i remembered that you weren't beside me to keep me warm.

i miss you.

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