Oct 12, 2007

lack of trust

misunderstandings are really hurtful and irritating aren't they?
like for example, that time shermin found my friendship fish keychain in the dustbin, and she thought i threw it away. and she cried and cried for half an hour during recess and i only noticed when i came back to class. she shouted at me for throwing our "symbol of our friendship" away and i kept reassuring her i would never do such a thing. imagine how it would've been if she decided not to talk to me about it.
trust is especially important in friendship too. shermin could have chose to think i was lying, but instead she chose to trust me. if she didn't believe what i said, our friendship could have ended there. the both of us knew it wasn't worth it.
without trust, how can you form a friendship with another person? both parties will just end up feeling stressed and angry all the time.
i know this is going to sound really cheesy, but trust really is like the bricks of a building, trust is the foundation of a friendship/relationship. there are bound to be obstacles - you may have ran out of bricks, or they may have dropped down. but it’d be such a waste if you gave up because of that and just left the building half-built, right? you will have to make the effort to overcome those obstacles and continue stacking the bricks on top of one another, making a sturdy foundation for the building.
some buildings may turn out to be skyscrapers, that took years of patience and hard work to build. single-storey houses were built by people who didn’t make the effort, people who didn’t bother improving or were contented with what they already had.
have you seen houses torn apart by hurricanes? it’s just like a failed relationship. it’s ruined, and nobody is bothered to build it back again.
i think those reading my blog will think i’m crazy because i’m ranting on about trust and buildings. :/ but That Person this post is intended for will know who you are. :)
to LaoGong: Hang in there because everyone’s been through it before. Through these obstacles, friendships will either become more distant, or even closer. I hope you will be able to clear this misunderstanding and not become like those hurricane-ridden houses. :) He’s not an unreasonable person, and I believe he also knows you’re not these kind of people. Don’t give up hope on your friendship no matter what, because it’s really a waste to see such a close friendship being torn apart! :)

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