Apr 17, 2007

sorry yimei i didnt mean that.. i mean i didn't mean EXACTLY that.PEOPLE, PLEASE DONT TAKE ANYTHING IN THIS BLOG TOO SERIOUSLY. i mean, this is a place for me to vent all my anger and pour out all my feelings. i may say a lot of things here out in a fit of anger or emoness but i dont really mean it that much lah. im really sorry vana and ling and yimei and nadine and jiayi!
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
that image of her saying that kept replaying in my mind.eyes red from crying, that glare of hatred, that tone. her voice kept ringing in my head.
and the whole night i couldnt sleep. i cried and cried till my whole pillow was damp.
and now im so tired.
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
still cant believe she said it. she was so calm when i talked to her. in fact, i was the pissed one.but she still said it.i mean, it wasnt directed at me, but i still feel that arrow pierced into my heart, like as if it was.it might as well just have been directed at me, anyway.
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
crescent sucks.well in fact all girls schools probably do lah.this was exactly the reason i really didn't want to come to a girls school. i wanted to go to commonwealth badly, but i came to crescent because my parents really wanted me to. and my parents can do anything they want to.
girls are just too full of hatred and sensitivity. we should learn from guys, who have that "don't care" attitude and rarely have these kind of fights that really arent to anyone's advantage.which i really used to have, until i became a crescentian. i only had one fight in primary school, and that only lasted like 2 weeks, and it was over such a stupid thing, and it got resolved pretty easily.and in sec sch? oh, the number of fights i experience are more than the number of friends i have.but really. does the number of friends you have really count?
i've always wanted to be the centre of attention, i liked it when people felt they could count on me. but now..i mean, people, its not that i like shermin more than you guys, but sometimes she understands me more.
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
and devil, just because you're not angry at me (which i'm really grateful for) it dosent mean noone else is.
and it's not like im going to ask for you guys to forgive me or whatever. because even if someone says they forgive you it dosent mean they really do.

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